Special collaboration with two videos for the acervo disseminado – potes do sertão exhibition (by Inês Antonini and Liliane Dardot), at Museu Mineiro, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2016. The videos are displayed simultaneously in loop and take part of the exhibition’s collection.
Pieces of a collection of handmade pots used to store water were shared with people who participated in parades carrying those pots and became their new guardians. The disseminated collection is gathered digitally through the videos and photographs of the parade and of the guardians of the pots.
The videos were recorded in Cordisburgo (Minas Gerais) during the Semana Roseana, and they consist of interviews and photographs of the guardians of the pots and a parade of people carrying pots from the Museu Casa Guimarães Rosa.
2016, video installation, 41’54’’ and 6’04’’
Video excerpt – parade of people carrying pots from the Museu Casa Guimarães Rosa (click on the video to play) | To watch the full video, click here.
Video excerpt – interviews with guardians of the pots (click on the video to play) | To watch the full video, click here.